Rachel Kunert-Graf holds a PhD in English, with a certificate in Film and Media Studies, from the University of Washington. She is pro-rata faculty in the English department at Shoreline Community College and a senior lecturer at Antioch University, where she teaches writing courses. She is author of articles on nonfiction comics published in ImageText, Humanities, and INKS. Her research is primarily interested in non-fiction narratives of personal and political oppression, studying the ways art and literature, especially comics, promote better understanding and combat suffering. As a writing instructor, Rachel helps students learn to research and read critically and give them tools to engage others through their writing. In both research and teaching, her focus is on how meaning is produced, how knowledge is constructed and how experience is shared. Rachel’s approach to literary and media studies, and to comics’ scholarship more specifically, capitalizes on the field’s inherent interdisciplinary potential, by combining literature, art, film studies and cultural theory. Her most recent research projects pursue interdisciplinary collaboration beyond the humanities.
See Rachel.Kunertgraf.com for more information.
Rachel’s term with the forum is from 2020 to 2025.