In addition to the two forum-sponsored panels at MLA 2020, 325. Webcomics and/as Digital Culture & 587. A Decade in Comics, the Comics and Graphic Narratives Forum will also be holding a social event at the bookstore of the renowned independent comics publisher, Fantagraphics (1201 S Vale St, Seattle, WA 98108), on Saturday evening, January 11. We will begin at 7pm, and the event with feature a signing by Seattle cartoonist Natalie Dupille. Refreshments will be served. In addition to our forum events, check out all the other comics-related panels at MLA 2020.Read More →

January 4, Friday, 7pm – Free Event Drawing in the Imagination: The Power of Image and Text It was a hunting accident—that much Charlie is sure of. That’s how his father, Matt Rizzo—a gentle intellectual who writes epic poems in Braille—had lost his vision. It’s not until Charlie’s troubled teenage years, when he’s facing time for his petty crimes, that he learns the truth. Matt Rizzo was blinded by a shotgun blast to the face—but it was while participating in an armed robbery. Newly blind and without hope, Matt began his bleak new life at Stateville Prison. But in this unlikely place, Matt’s life andRead More →

Panels run by the Comics and Graphic Narratives Forum Thursday January 4 Connecting the Dots: Museums and Comics 7:00–8:15 p.m., Sutton Center, Hilton Presiding: Nhora Lucia Serrano, Hamilton C “At Home in the Museum,” Catherine Labio, U of Colorado, Boulder “Paracomics: Art as Comics,” Vasilios Kartalopoulos, New School “Tintin in the World of the Artifact: Authenticity and Artifice, Colonialism and Copyright,” Katherine Kelp-Stebbins, Palomar C “‘There’d Be a Hanging’: Community as Art Gallery, Comic as Museum in Gilbert Hernandez’s Human Diastrophism,” Osvaldo Oyola, New York U Friday January 5 Teaching Global Arab Comics in the United States 5:15–6:30 p.m., Concourse G, Hilton Collaborative session—GS Comics andRead More →

Saturday, 7 January 581. Alien Lines: Science Fiction Comics 1:45–3:00 p.m., Grand Ballroom Salon A, Philadelphia Marriott Program arranged by the forums GS Comics and Graphic Narratives and GS Speculative Fiction Presiding: Aaron Kashtan, Univ. of North Carolina at Charlotte 1. “Don’t Let Them Touch and Despair You: World Construction in the World of The Wrenchies and It Will All Hurt,” Phoebe Salzman-Cohen, Penn State Univ., University Park 2. “‘This Is How an Idea Becomes Real’: Bodies in Saga,” Daniel John Pinti, Niagara Univ. 3. “‘I’m Getting Too Good to Ignore’: The Feminist Politics of Sharon Ruhdal’s Dystopian Comics,” Margaret Galvan, New York Univ. 4. “Feeling The Puma Blues: The DilutionRead More →

MLA Comics Reception Chicago Comics Saturday, Jan. 11th, at 7:30 p.m. 3244 N. Clark St., Chicago, IL 60657 We are delighted to announce that Chicago Comics—one of the Windy City’s oldest comics shops, and one of the country’s most respected—will be hosting our Group, and indeed anyone from MLA with an interest in comics, at a reception this Saturday, Jan. 11th, starting at 7:30 p.m.! That’s right—an informal get-together, with drinks and snacks, just for comics scholars at the MLA, hosted by Chicago Comics. Comics creators from the Chicago area will be on hand to mix and mingle and talk about their work! Do come.Read More →

Session 657. Cash Bar Arranged by the Discussion Group on Comics and Graphic Narratives Saturday, 5 January, 7:00–8:15 p.m. Independence West, Sheraton Boston … Please join us for this cash bar and informal get-together! We are eager to meet with everyone at MLA who is interested in comics studies. Members of our Executive Committee will be on hand to chat about our future plans, ideas for programming and community-building, and the further growth of comics studies both at the MLA and across academia. We invite your input, and hope to connect with you! For an overview of all MLA 2013 sessions organized by the DiscussionRead More →