On Saturday, January 7, from 7-9pm, the Comics and Graphic Narratives Forum will be hosting a free event at Silver Sprocket, a local indie comics publisher (1018 Valencia St, San Francisco, CA 94110)! Award-winning cartoonist and educator Justin Hall will be speaking about his work-in-progress, a graphic novel weaving together memoir and queer San Francisco history, to be published by Abrams Books in 2024. Combining comics readings, storytelling, and ruminations on LGBTQ culture, the nature of memoir, and the challenges of historical comics, this is a unique look into the process behind creating a big, gay, graphic novel. Following his talk, we will have timeRead More →

In addition to the three panels that the Comics and Graphic Narratives Forum will be sponsoring at MLA 2021, 86. New Flashpoints in Comics History, 396. Comics and Graphic Narratives for Young Audiences, and 636. Decolonizing Comics and/as Activism, there will be a number of other comics-related panels at MLA 2021. Comment on this post if you have any sessions to add! About Comics Thursday, January 7 61. Graphic Narratives: Tools for Intersectional Resistance against Systemic Injustice 145. Comics on the Couch 177. Comics and Illness: Mediating Trauma through Image-Textual Encounters Friday, January 8 234. Imagining Epic: Representations of Medieval Heroes in Art, Film, and Comics Saturday, JanuaryRead More →

About comics 076: The Graphic Novel in Spain https://mla19.org/event/member/522500 166: Archives of Images, Archives of Texts: Comics as Sources for Historical Research https://mla19.org/event/member/522388   231: Visual and Literary Intersections of Chicanidad https://mla19.org/event/member/522671 307: Image-Text Encounters in South Asian Graphic Narratives https://mla19.org/event/member/522552 322: Visual Translations of Early Japanese Literary Texts https://mla19.org/event/member/522779 363: Production as Reception https://mla19.org/event/member/522553   697: Graphic Narratives of Disability as Multisensory Transactions https://mla19.org/event/member/522658 722: Aesthetics, Politics, and the Postcolonial Graphic Narrative https://mla19.org/event/member/522459 Featuring papers on comics 154: Race, Nation, and Empire in Southeast Asian Life Writing https://mla19.org/event/member/522800 288: “Fiction Is Powerful Truth”: Truth, Power, Ethics, and Response-ability in Indigenous Narrative https://mla19.org/event/member/522359 422: Diasporas,Read More →

Panels run by the Comics and Graphic Narratives Forum Thursday January 4 Connecting the Dots: Museums and Comics 7:00–8:15 p.m., Sutton Center, Hilton Presiding: Nhora Lucia Serrano, Hamilton C “At Home in the Museum,” Catherine Labio, U of Colorado, Boulder “Paracomics: Art as Comics,” Vasilios Kartalopoulos, New School “Tintin in the World of the Artifact: Authenticity and Artifice, Colonialism and Copyright,” Katherine Kelp-Stebbins, Palomar C “‘There’d Be a Hanging’: Community as Art Gallery, Comic as Museum in Gilbert Hernandez’s Human Diastrophism,” Osvaldo Oyola, New York U Friday January 5 Teaching Global Arab Comics in the United States 5:15–6:30 p.m., Concourse G, Hilton Collaborative session—GS Comics andRead More →

Saturday, 7 January 581. Alien Lines: Science Fiction Comics 1:45–3:00 p.m., Grand Ballroom Salon A, Philadelphia Marriott Program arranged by the forums GS Comics and Graphic Narratives and GS Speculative Fiction Presiding: Aaron Kashtan, Univ. of North Carolina at Charlotte 1. “Don’t Let Them Touch and Despair You: World Construction in the World of The Wrenchies and It Will All Hurt,” Phoebe Salzman-Cohen, Penn State Univ., University Park 2. “‘This Is How an Idea Becomes Real’: Bodies in Saga,” Daniel John Pinti, Niagara Univ. 3. “‘I’m Getting Too Good to Ignore’: The Feminist Politics of Sharon Ruhdal’s Dystopian Comics,” Margaret Galvan, New York Univ. 4. “Feeling The Puma Blues: The DilutionRead More →

Besides the three events—the “Immigration and Comics” panel, the “Comics Theory Roundtable” and the cash bar—sponsored or co-sponsored by our Discussion Group, MLA 2015 in Vancouver will host other sessions devoted to comics or graphic narratives, as well as a number of individual papers that, as far as we are able to tell from the program, connect to the comics studies field. Please find these sessions listed below.   Enjoy! The Graphic South (session 35) Thursday, 8 January, 12:00 noon–1:15 p.m., 114, VCC West  Program arranged by the Discussion Group on Southern Literature Presiding: Katherine Renee Henninger, Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge   “The Contested Topography of the ReconstructedRead More →

The MLA Annual Convention for 2014 takes place in Chicago next week, from Jan. 9th to 12th! We of the Discussion Group on Comics and Graphic Narratives are pleased to help promote, in addition to our own programming, the following session organized and put on by our colleagues in the Division on Nineteenth-Century American Literature: 773. The Graphic Nineteenth Century Sunday, 12 January, 12:00 noon–1:15 p.m. Michigan–Michigan State, Chicago Marriott Presiding: Augusta Rohrbach, Washington State Univ., Pullman “The Graphic 19th Century” reframes the print explosion of the era as a revolution in graphic narratives, treating the relationship between word and image as a distinct innovation ofRead More →