The Comics and Graphic Narratives Forum will be sponsoring three panels at MLA 2025, 286. Envisioning Racial Futures: Race, Ethnicity, and Speculative Fiction Comics, 493. Louisiana in Graphic Narratives, and 673A. Picturing Political Power in Comics. Also, check out all the other comics-related panels at this year’s conference. 286. Envisioning Racial Futures: Race, Ethnicity, and Speculative Fiction Comics Friday, 10 January 202512:00 PM to 1:15 PMHilton New Orleans Riverside–Salon 3 (First Floor) Presiders:Derek Lee, Wake Forest U William Orchard, Queens College/ CUNY Presentations: 493. Louisiana in Graphic Narratives Saturday, 11 January 202510:15 AM – 11:30 AMHilton New Orleans Riverside — Salon 9 (1st Floor) Presentations: 673A. PicturingRead More →

CFP MLA 2025 Picturing Political Power in Comics Visual culture, from cartooning to photography, has long been used to both critique and make claims to the political. Alison K. Lange’s Picturing Political Power: Images in the Women’s Suffrage Movement (2020), from which we borrow our title, examines the role of public images in creating a shared national language around gender, power, and the vote during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. In her book Imprisoned in a Luminous Glare: Photography and the African American Freedom Struggle (2013), Leigh Raiford traces how Black activists used photography to demand political recognition and resist stereotypical images inRead More →

Please note: this is a proposed, not a guaranteed, session, sponsored by the forum on Comics and Graphic Narratives, at MLA 2025. It is contingent on approval by the MLA Program Committee. All prospective presenters must be current MLA members by April 1, 2024. NOLA in Graphic Narratives takes the location of the 2025 Modern Language Association Annual Convention as its source of inspiration to critically examine the ways in which New Orleans, Louisiana, and the region have been visualized and made visible in comics and graphic narratives. Located on the shores of the Mississippi River and Lakes Pontchartrain and Borgne, the city of NewRead More →