Our panels–and cash bar!!!–at MLA in January, and other comics related events
Panels run by the Comics and Graphic Narratives Forum Thursday January 4 Connecting the Dots: Museums and Comics 7:00–8:15 p.m., Sutton Center, Hilton Presiding: Nhora Lucia Serrano, Hamilton C “At Home in the Museum,” Catherine Labio, U of Colorado, Boulder “Paracomics: Art as Comics,” Vasilios Kartalopoulos, New School “Tintin in the World of the Artifact: Authenticity and Artifice, Colonialism and Copyright,” Katherine Kelp-Stebbins, Palomar C “‘There’d Be a Hanging’: Community as Art Gallery, Comic as Museum in Gilbert Hernandez’s Human Diastrophism,” Osvaldo Oyola, New York U Friday January 5 Teaching Global Arab Comics in the United States 5:15–6:30 p.m., Concourse G, Hilton Collaborative session—GS Comics andRead More →