Saturday, 7 January 581. Alien Lines: Science Fiction Comics 1:45–3:00 p.m., Grand Ballroom Salon A, Philadelphia Marriott Program arranged by the forums GS Comics and Graphic Narratives and GS Speculative Fiction Presiding: Aaron Kashtan, Univ. of North Carolina at Charlotte 1. “Don’t Let Them Touch and Despair You: World Construction in the World of The Wrenchies and It Will All Hurt,” Phoebe Salzman-Cohen, Penn State Univ., University Park 2. “‘This Is How an Idea Becomes Real’: Bodies in Saga,” Daniel John Pinti, Niagara Univ. 3. “‘I’m Getting Too Good to Ignore’: The Feminist Politics of Sharon Ruhdal’s Dystopian Comics,” Margaret Galvan, New York Univ. 4. “Feeling The Puma Blues: The DilutionRead More →