MLA Comics Reception Chicago Comics Saturday, Jan. 11th, at 7:30 p.m. 3244 N. Clark St., Chicago, IL 60657 We are delighted to announce that Chicago Comics—one of the Windy City’s oldest comics shops, and one of the country’s most respected—will be hosting our Group, and indeed anyone from MLA with an interest in comics, at a reception this Saturday, Jan. 11th, starting at 7:30 p.m.! That’s right—an informal get-together, with drinks and snacks, just for comics scholars at the MLA, hosted by Chicago Comics. Comics creators from the Chicago area will be on hand to mix and mingle and talk about their work! Do come.Read More →

Yes, a collaborative cash bar and reception! This our official Friday night social event for the MLA 2014 Convention, to be held next weekend in Chicago. Think of it as a convivial complement to our three academic panels! Details follow: Session 428. Cash Bar Arranged by the Division on Children’s Literature and the Discussion Group on Comics and Graphic Narratives Friday, 10 January, 7:00–8:15 p.m., Grand I, Chicago Marriott Please join us and our colleagues in the Children’s Literature Division for this informal get-together! It’s a rare opportunity for our groups to get to know each other and talk about the intersection of our fields!Read More →

The third of our three academic panels at MLA 2014, to be held in Chicago next week, Jan. 9-12! Session 768. Collaboration in Comics Sunday, 12 January, 12:00 noon–1:15 p.m. Colorado, Sheraton Chicago Presiding: Charles Hatfield, California State Univ., Northridge Although comics is a dialogic form, current academic work on comics has remarkably little to say about the possibility of genuinely dialogical creation, that is, collaboration. The bulk of recent scholarly work on comics favors the concept of cartooning as a singular personal handwriting, i.e. an autographic trace, ignoring the historical importance and artistic potential of multi-authored comics. This panel seeks to illuminate this blindRead More →

The second of our three academic panels at MLA 2014, to be held in Chicago next week, Jan. 9-12! Session 595. Comics and Fine Arts Saturday, 11 January, 3:30–4:45 p.m. Lincolnshire, Chicago Marriott Presiding: Hillary L. Chute, Univ. of Chicago Comics and the “fine arts” have a long history of both connection and divergence. In our current moment, comics are entering the space of the museum. For example, these past two years have brought significant shows by Robert Crumb, Art Spiegelman, and Daniel Clowes. At the same time, the often-tense relationship between comics and canonical art has drawn increased critical attention—as seen for instance inRead More →

The first of our three academic panels at MLA 2014, to be held in Chicago next week, Jan. 9-12! Session 388. Transnational Comics Friday, 10 January, 5:15–6:30 p.m. Chicago X, Sheraton Chicago Program arranged by the Discussion Group on Comics and Graphic Narratives and the Division on Literature and Other Arts Presiding: Anke K. Finger, Univ. of Connecticut, Storrs; Nhora Lucia Serrano, California State Univ., Long Beach Spurred by the growth of the Internet and wordless communication, transnationalism has come to mean a new way of thinking about the relationships and interconnectivity among cultures, languages, arts, and peoples on the international stage. Comics and graphicRead More →

The MLA Annual Convention for 2014 takes place in Chicago next week, from Jan. 9th to 12th! We of the Discussion Group on Comics and Graphic Narratives are pleased to help promote, in addition to our own programming, the following session organized and put on by our colleagues in the Division on Nineteenth-Century American Literature: 773. The Graphic Nineteenth Century Sunday, 12 January, 12:00 noon–1:15 p.m. Michigan–Michigan State, Chicago Marriott Presiding: Augusta Rohrbach, Washington State Univ., Pullman “The Graphic 19th Century” reframes the print explosion of the era as a revolution in graphic narratives, treating the relationship between word and image as a distinct innovation ofRead More →

It’s that time of year again! We of the MLA Discussion Group on Comics and Graphic Narratives are proud to announce our sessions for the 129th Annual MLA Convention, to be held 9-12 January 2014 in Chicago. Once more we’ll be doing our full allotment of panels—three, including one in collaboration with the MLA Division on Literature and Other Arts—and a social event, namely a cash bar co-sponsored by the MLA Division on Children’s Literature. Here are the details (click on the links to read more about each individual panel): Session 388: Transnational Comics, co-sponsored with the Division on Literature and Other Arts Session 428:Read More →

This is the fourth and last of our four official events at the next MLA Convention, to be held in Chicago, Thursday through Sunday, 9-12 January 2014: … Session 768. Collaboration in Comics Sunday, 12 January, 12:00 noon–1:15 p.m., Colorado, Sheraton Chicago Program arranged by the Discussion Group on Comics and Graphic Narratives Presiding: Charles Hatfield, California State Univ., Northridge 1. “Multimodal Composition and the Rhetoric of Comics: A Study of Comics Teams in Collaboration,” Molly Scanlon, Virginia Polytechnic Inst. and State Univ. 2. “‘A Story Lived, Photographed[,] Told[,] Written and Drawn’: The Dance of Pen and Camera in Guibert and Lefèvre’s The Photographer,” BirteRead More →

This is the third of our four official events at the next MLA Convention, to be held in Chicago, Thursday through Sunday, 9-12 January 2014: Session 595. Comics and Fine Arts Saturday, 11 January, 3:30–4:45 p.m., Lincolnshire, Chicago Marriott Program arranged by the Discussion Group on Comics and Graphic Narratives Presiding: Hillary L. Chute, Univ. of Chicago 1. “Art Worlds, War Worlds, Girl Worlds: Henry Darger, Henry James,” Michael D. Moon, Emory Univ. 2. “Cartoonists Greet the Future: The Antiart of Comics, Modernism, and the Armory Show,” Peter Sattler, Lakeland Coll. 3. “Not Made to Be Looked at with ‘Aesthetic’ Eyes”: Boxed Works by ChrisRead More →