In addition to the three panels sponsored by our Discussion Group, there are many other events on the MLA 2011 program relevant to comics studies. Notably, there are two special sessions, that is, independent panels, in the comics field: 175. Narrative Imag(in)ing and the Comics of the Hernandez Brothers Friday, Jan. 7, 8:30-9:45 a.m., Olympic III, J. W. Marriott Presiding: Jennifer Glaser, Univ. of Cincinnati 1. “Serialization, Character Dynamics, and Narrative in Gilbert Hernandez’s Love and Rockets,” Christopher Gonzalez, Ohio State Univ., Columbus 2. “Strategizing Popular Genre in the Works of the Hernandez Brothers,” Derek Parker Royal 3. “Emotion, Cognition, and Race in Los BrosRead More →

The Modern Language Association (MLA) Discussion Group on Comics and Graphic Narratives will host its first panels ever this coming weekend, Thursday through Sunday, January 6-9, at the MLA’s 126th Annual Convention in Los Angeles. The Convention (for an overview of which, see here) will take place in downtown LA at the Convention Center and the nearby J. W. Marriott hotel. This year’s Convention boasts an unprecedented level of activity in comics studies, including the following three panels sponsored or co-sponsored by the Discussion Group on Comics and Graphic Narratives: 312. Comics and Conflict in the Middle East Friday, Jan. 7, 1:45-3:00 p.m., Room 407,Read More →