In addition to the three panels that the Comics and Graphic Narratives Forum will be sponsoring at MLA 2021, 86. New Flashpoints in Comics History, 396. Comics and Graphic Narratives for Young Audiences, and 636. Decolonizing Comics and/as Activism, there will be a number of other comics-related panels at MLA 2021. Comment on this post if you have any sessions to add!
About Comics
Thursday, January 7
61. Graphic Narratives: Tools for Intersectional Resistance against Systemic Injustice
177. Comics and Illness: Mediating Trauma through Image-Textual Encounters
Friday, January 8
234. Imagining Epic: Representations of Medieval Heroes in Art, Film, and Comics
Saturday, January 9
393. Keywords and Key Images in Graphic Medicine
540. The Graphic Novel and Humanistic Inquiry
Featuring Papers on Comics
Thursday, January 7
181. Twenty-First-Century Forms
Friday, January 8
221. Rethinking Violence in Latin America: Biopolitics, Necropolitics, Life Politics
Sunday, January 10
569. Against Disappearance: Transmediality as Geopolitical Resistance in Hong Kong
674. Octavia Butler: Then, Now, Thereafter
Just in Time: Decolonial Tools and Global Hispanophone Futures