This is the third of our four official events at the next MLA Convention, to be held in Chicago, Thursday through Sunday, 9-12 January 2014:
Session 595. Comics and Fine Arts
Saturday, 11 January, 3:30–4:45 p.m., Lincolnshire, Chicago Marriott
Program arranged by the Discussion Group on Comics and Graphic Narratives
Presiding: Hillary L. Chute, Univ. of Chicago
1. “Art Worlds, War Worlds, Girl Worlds: Henry Darger, Henry James,” Michael D. Moon, Emory Univ.
2. “Cartoonists Greet the Future: The Antiart of Comics, Modernism, and the Armory Show,” Peter Sattler, Lakeland Coll.
3. “Not Made to Be Looked at with ‘Aesthetic’ Eyes”: Boxed Works by Chris Ware and Marcel Duchamp,” Jonathan R. Bass, Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick
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