The Comics and Graphic Narratives Forum will be sponsoring two panels at MLA 2020, 325. Webcomics and/as Digital Culture & 587. A Decade in Comics. Also, check out all the other comics-related panels at MLA 2020.
325. Webcomics and/as Digital Culture
1:45 PM–3:00 PM Jan 10, 2020 at Sheraton – Willow A
1: Webcomics in India: Dissenting Voices at the Time of Hypernationalism
Debanjana Nayek, Presidency U
2: Player versus Player? Redefining Gamer Identity through Thirty Years of Webcomics
Anastasia Salter, U of Central Florida
3: Stonetossingjuice: Iterability, the Alt-Right, and the Webcomics of Online Culture War
Bren Ram, Rice U
4: Connecting Queerly: Queer Webcomics and the Alternate Archive
Misha Grifka-Wander, Ohio State U, Columbus
Leah Misemer, U of Wisconsin, Madison
587. A Decade in Comics
3:30 PM–4:45 PM Jan 11, 2020 at Sheraton – Willow A
Description: On the tenth anniversary of panels sponsored by the MLA Forum for Comics and Graphic Narratives, established and emerging scholars reflect on the history, the present, and the future of the field of comics studies.
Jonathan W. Gray, John Jay C of Criminal Justice, City U of New York
Charles Hatfield, California State U, Northridge
Joshua Kopin, U of Texas, Austin
Martha B. Kuhlman, Bryant U
Rachel Kunert-Graf, Antioch U
Valentino Zullo, Kent State U
Margaret Galvan, U of Florida
Susan E. Kirtley, Portland State U