This is the first of our three official events at the next MLA convention, to be held in Vancouver, Thursday through Sunday, 8-11 January 2015:
Session 624. Immigration and Comics
Saturday, 10 January 5:15–6:30 p.m., East 16, VCC East
Program arranged by the Discussion Group on Comics and Graphic Narratives and the Division on European Literary Relations
Presiding: Sandra L. Bermann, Princeton Univ.; Nhora Lucia Serrano, Harvard Univ.
1. “‘Home of the Cannibals’: Interracial Contact and Immigration in Chris Ware’s Jimmy Corrigan: The Smartest Kid on Earth,” Tim Caron, California State Univ., Long Beach
2. “Aya in the Ivory Coast and Abouet in France: Immigration in Aya de Yopougon,” Michelle Bumatay, Willamette Univ.
3. “From Immigrants to Privateers: The Curious Case of Hogan’s Alley and The Yellow Kid,” David M. Ball, Princeton Univ.
4. “Comedy of Errors: Lessons of Identity and Agency in American Born Chinese,” Judy Schaaf, Univ. of Massachusetts, Dartmouth
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