This is the fourth and last of our four official events at the next MLA Convention, to be held in Chicago, Thursday through Sunday, 9-12 January 2014:
Session 768. Collaboration in Comics
Sunday, 12 January, 12:00 noon–1:15 p.m., Colorado, Sheraton Chicago
Program arranged by the Discussion Group on Comics and Graphic Narratives
Presiding: Charles Hatfield, California State Univ., Northridge
1. “Multimodal Composition and the Rhetoric of Comics: A Study of Comics Teams in Collaboration,” Molly Scanlon, Virginia Polytechnic Inst. and State Univ.
2. “‘A Story Lived, Photographed[,] Told[,] Written and Drawn’: The Dance of Pen and Camera in Guibert and Lefèvre’s The Photographer,” Birte Wege, Freie Univ.
3. “The Problem of Collaborative Authorship in the Comics Jam,” Isaac Cates, Univ. of Vermont
4. “Collaboration as Consciousness Raising: The Bodies of Feminism in Wimmen’s Comix,” Margaret Galvan, Graduate Center, City Univ. of New York
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